Hospitals &
The H & I Subcommittee carries the Narcotics Anonymous message of recovery to addicts who, due to incarceration or institutionalization, do not have full access to regular Narcotics Anonymous meetings.
Keep what we have by giving it away
“… We can only keep what we have by giving it away…” p. 35. We hear it at every meeting we attend, in the reading What is the Narcotics Anonymous Program. In the same sentence, we read “… The newcomer is the most important person at any meeting…”. Before they can be newcomers, they are sick and suffering addicts who need to be shown how to find a meeting. “… a simple way has been proving itself in the lives of many addicts and it is available to us all…” p. 113.
Whether it’s their first or fiftieth time there, those addicts in detox and treatment centres can all be considered newcomers. Detox and treatment centres are unique environments with large audiences of suffering addicts in a state of desperation. “…Through this desperation, we sought help in Narcotics Anonymous…” p. 45. They are in treatment because they have “…reached a point where we could no longer continue using because of physical, mental and spiritual pain…” p. 46.
“…By sharing the experience of our recovery with newcomers, we help ourselves stay clean…” p. 125. There is literature and there is the real life accounts of the addicts in our lives. Our sponsors, our sponsees and fellow homegroup members.
“I accumulated some clean time and then went back out for many years. When I became desperate, I went to detox. I had first hand experience with the Narcotics Anonymous program, proof that it works because it had worked for me, but it wasn’t until someone picked a small group of us up for a meeting that I and heard the message of those in attendance that night, that I made a decision to come back into the rooms of Narcotics Anonymous. Today I am clean and I am an active member in the NA community.”
Another local addict went to detox feeling suicidal and hopeless after decades of using. He wasn’t even going to come out of his room when two members of NA visited to share their stories. He is grateful that he did, because of how strongly he identified with the story coming out of a stranger’s mouth and this addict has been attending meetings, doing service and most importantly, staying clean, ever since.
Another addict has been a resident at a local men’s treatment facility, a facility where NA members visit twice a month to facilitate NA meetings. This addict expresses the importance of these visiting NA members, not just to himself but to the other men in the treatment centre. These men look forward to these meetings facilitated by NA volunteers, many of them wish NA members would come more frequently to facilitate NA meetings. Many of them make the most of their weekend passes by attending NA meetings.
Another addict with several years clean agreed to travel to a local treatment centre to share his story. He later shared in a meeting about the impact of the experience, not just on the residents at the centre, who he had chance to speak with after speaking, but on his own recovery.
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